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I was expecting to get latencies < 1 ms for real time with EtherCAT and I was wondering if these measurements are expected on the NetHAT.
This is the function I used for measuring time:
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uint64_t getTimeNanoseconds() {
struct timespec ts;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
return (uint64_t)(ts.tv_sec) * 1000000000 + (uint64_t)(ts.tv_nsec);
How the measurement is done:
while(counter < 10000)
while( CIFX_DEV_NO_COM_FLAG (lRet = xChannelBusState( hChannel, CIFX_BUS_STATE_ON, &ulState, 10))){
printf('Waiting for Bus communication!rn');
abSendData[1] = !abSendData[1];
startTime = getTimeNanoseconds();
if(CIFX_NO_ERROR (lRet = xChannelIORead(hChannel, 0, 0, sizeof(abRecvData), abRecvData, 10))){
tr_r = getTimeNanoseconds() - startTime;
sum_r += tr_r;
rTimes[counter] = tr_r;
else {
printf('Error reading n');
return NULL;
startTime = getTimeNanoseconds();
if(CIFX_NO_ERROR (lRet = xChannelIOWrite(hChannel, 0, 0, sizeof(abSendData), abSendData, 10))){
tr_wr = getTimeNanoseconds() - startTime;
sum_wr += tr_wr;
wTimes[counter] = tr_wr;
else {
printf('Error writing n');
return NULL;
printf('R | Time : %llu Average : %llu | W | Time : %llu Average : %llu |n', tr_r, sum_r / counter, tr_wr, sum_wr / counter);
I obtain different performances depending on 'cycleTime' - time between each read/write call - I have much more jitter with cycle time < 1ms than for example 10ms. I also have different performances depending on when I execute, I can execute same code twice and get different average latencies.
The cycle time of the master is 200us for sending/receiving process data.
I'm not quite familiar with real time protocol programming and I would like to know if these measurements are expected if not I'm curious to know the cause of these latencies.